Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Using PIC18 Timer Module for delay – C Code with Proteus Simulation

In our LED Blinking tutorial we used the PIC18 library function for delay which doesn’t use timer for delay. The built-in function we used for delay just insert’s NOP instruction to obtain the required delay. Today we will use the PIC18’s Timer Module to obtain the delay for  LED Blinking Example.

Introduction to PIC18 Timers

The number of timers a PIC18 has depends on its family. They ranges from 2 to 5 in PIC18. PIC18 Timers can be used as timers to generate delays or as counters. In the counter mode it is used to count events which occur outside of the Microcontroller. PIC18 Timers are referred by the names Timer0, Timer1, Timer3, and so on. In our Example Program we will be using Timer0 in timer mode to obtain the required delay. Timer can be 8-bit, 16-bit or even 32-bit on some newest PICs. In the PIC18F8722 Timer0 can be used in 8-bit or 16-bit mode selectable via software. In the 8-bit mode the timer increments an 8-bit register on each clock cycle and ranges from 0 – 255 while in 16-bit mode the range is 0 – 65535.

Timer Clock Source

A Timer or any other Microcontroller peripheral requires clock source for its operation referred to as the Peripheral Clock. The clock can be internal or external. In the internal clock mode Timer0 operates as timer and uses the internal(FCPU) clock with or without pre-scalar. Pre-Scalar is an integer value which divides the CPU clock to give Timer Clock i.e Timer Clock = FCPU/pre-scalar.  When the Pre-scalar is set to one or bypassed then the timer runs on the same clock as the CPU is running. In the external clock mode Timer0 operates as counter and counts on every rising or falling edge of the clock connected to the Timer's clock pin. In this example we will be using Timer0 with the internal clock(timer mode) configuration and pre-scalar bypassed or 1. T0CON – Timer0 Control Register is used to control all these settings, details can be found in the Timer0 Module section of the datasheet.

Difference Between FOSC and FCPU

Oscillator Frequency (FOSC) is the frequency of the crystal we have connected to the PIC. in our case we are using 20MHz crystal so FOSC = 20MHz. The PIC internally divides FOSC by 4 to get FCPU. Based on this we have clock cycle and instruction cycle. the clock cycle is simply 1/FOSC while instruction cycle is 1/FCPU. An instruction cycle is the time required for the PIC to execute a single assembly language instruction( excluding jump and loop instructions which requires more than on instruction cycles).

Delay Calculation

After initializing Timer0 in 8-bit mode with internal clock by setting the relevant bits in T0CON Register we turn on the Timer. As the Timer is turned on it increments the TMR0 register every clock cycle starting from 0. What happens when it reaches 255? glad you asked. PIC18 has the ability to generate interrupt on overflow – meaning that a  bit called Timer0 Interrupt Flag(TMR0IF) which is set when TMR0 makes  transition from 255 to 0. We can check TMR0IF either by polling or using Interrupt Service Routine(ISR). In this example we will used polling method and will cover Interrupts in another post. 
Assuming the PIC is operating with FOSC = 20MHz or FCPU = 5MHz, a single overflow of Timer0 will give us 256 * 1/5MHz = 51.2usec delay. So if we need delay more than 51.2usec we maintain a counter and increment it each time Timer0 overflows.
For a delay of 1sec
1sec = 10^6usec the timer overflows after 51.2usec So number of TImer0 overflows required to get a 1sec delay can be calculated as 10^6/51.2 = 19531.25 rounded to 19531 will give approximately 1sec delay.
So after starting Timer0 we poll for TMR0IF if set a variable called counter is incremented. The counter value is compared to 19531 if equal it means approximately 1sec is elapsed and an LED toggles to indicate this.

C Code

Below is the C code for this example with comments, copy it and generate the hex file for Proteus simulation.


   **** PIC18 Timer Example

   **** IDE      : MPLAB Ver 8.91

   **** Compiler : Microchip C18 Ver 3.43




// Includes

#include <p18cxxx.h>

#include <delays.h>


// Configurations

#pragma config WDT = OFF                // Watchdog Timer Disabled

#pragma config OSC = HS                // OSC Mode - High Speed Crystal/Resonator

#pragma config XINST = OFF            // Extended Instructions Disabled


// LEDs

#define LED1    LATCbits.LATC0


// main

void main(void)


    unsigned int counter = 0;    // variable that holds timer overflow count


    // Initialize Timer0

    // T0CON bits

    //   7    |   6    |   5  |   4   |  3  |   2   |   1   |   0 

    // TMR0ON | T08BIT | T0CS |  T0SE | PSA | T0PS2 | T0PS1 | T0PS0

    // See datasheet for details

    // 8-bit timer mode 

    // internal clock, pre-scaler = 1

    // TMR0ON = 0 at this point we don't start the timer

    T0CON = 0b01001000;


    TRISCbits.TRISC0 = 0;     // Set as output for LED


    // infinite loop    



        T0CONbits.TMR0ON = 1;           // Start Timer

        while(!INTCONbits.TMR0IF)      // wait until Timer0 overflows - polling

            INTCONbits.TMR0IF = 0;    // clear interrupt flag

        if(counter != 19531)




            counter = 0;              // reset counter

            LED1 = ~LED1;            // toggle LED

            T0CONbits.TMR0ON = 0;   // Stop Timer0      




unsigned int counter = 0;    // variable that holds timer overflow count

this line of code declares the counter as unsigned int which ranges from 0 – 65535. So if you want delay other than 19531(calculated for 1sec) and greater than 65535 then you may declare the counter as unsigned long int instead.


Here is the gif animation of the Proteus simulation



In this post we used PIC18F8722’s Timer0 in 8-bit timer mode to obtain a delay of approximately 1sec. Besides this the timer can also be used to find the execution time of a function – for example. In which case we have to use Timer Interrupt to take care of the timer overflow. In the beginning of the function Timer is started and after the function finishes it is stopped. To calculate the time we use our counter variable value as well as TMR0 value as
time taken = (counter * 0.0000512) + (TMR0 * 1/5MHz) sec or more generally

time taken = ((counter * 256) + TMR0) *  1/FCPU in seconds.

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Monday, September 2, 2013

Acquiring Button Inputs in PIC18 using C with Proteus Simulation

ButtonAnimation In this Tutorial we will demonstrate how  to acquire User Push Button Input  connected to one of the PIC18 digital  IO. As the user pushes the Button an  LED connected to a different IO will  glow as long as the button is kept      pressed.




A Little About Port Registers

There are three Registers associated with each Port of PIC18, LATx, PORTx, and TRISx. where ‘x’ represents A,B,C depending upon the number of Ports in a specific device. The TRISx register is used for setting a Port pin either input or output by writing a binary 1 or 0 respectively. The PORTx register is used to read the state of a Port pin,  and writing to it will write to the Port latch. The LATx register is the output latch register and it keeps the latched output value for PORTx.
For reading an input port pin we use PORTx register as it gives the current status of the port pin. For writing or reading the state of an output pin either LATx or PORTx is used. Both LATx and PORTx are read/write registers.

C Code for the Project

Below as an example code of the project in C which needs to be compiled using Microchip C18 Compiler and the MPLAB IDE environment. The code is almost the same as the previous tutorial with a little difference.  In the previous tutorial we used two pins as digital outputs, here one pin is used as digital input-to which the user button is connected, and the other is used as digital output and an LED is connected to it.
The input pin is polled in the main loop for button state, if the button is pressed the LED connected to another pin turns on as long as the the button is kept pressed. This is demonstrated with the Proteus simulation.
Copy the code below and compile it to generate .hex file.
   **** PIC18 Button Input Example
   **** IDE      : MPLAB Ver 8.91
   **** Compiler : Microchip C18 Ver 3.43
// Includes
#include <p18cxxx.h>
#include <delays.h>
// Configurations
#pragma config WDT = OFF            // Watchdog Timer Disabled
#pragma config OSC = HS                // OSC Mode - High Speed Crystal/Resonator
#pragma config XINST = OFF            // Extended Instructions Disabled

// LED
#define LED1    LATDbits.LATD0
// Button
#define BUTTON1 PORTCbits.RC0

// main
void main(void)
    // As the LED1 pin is also an analog input pin we have to declare it as
    // digital by writing the port configuration control bits(PCFG<3:0>) in 
    // ADCON1 Register - Refer to the datasheet for more details
       ADCON1 = 0x00001111;    
    // Set PORTD bit 0 as digital output, LED1 is connected on this pin
    TRISDbits.TRISD0 = 0;

    TRISCbits.TRISC0 = 1;     // Set the Button Pin as input

    // infinite loop    
        if(BUTTON1 == 0)    // Poll for Button Press    
            LED1 = 1;    // Turn ON LED
            LED1 = 0;    // Turn OFF LED

Proteus Simulation

The Proteus circuit is also not so much different from the previous tutorial. the only change is one LED is replaced with a button.


After adding the hex file to the Proteus project click the play button to run the simulation, while the simulation is running push the button and the LED will glow release it and it will turn off.

This is a simple tutorial demonstrating the use of a push button with PIC18 for beginners hope you learn something from it.
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Saturday, August 31, 2013

LED Blinking in PIC18 using C with Proteus Simulation

If you have just started learning PIC18 you will have to study a lot of materials about PIC18, like Instruction Set Architecture, Memory Organization etcetera if you want to know the details. However if you want quick start to program a PIC18 Microcontroller in C you should probably write a simple program in C which will flash an LED connected to one of the IO pin of the Microcontroller like we write the famous “Hello Word” program while learning C.
This Tutorial demonstrates how to code a simple LED Blinking program in C for the Microchip PIC18 platform and then simulate it using Proteus VSM.


It’s assumed that you are familiar with MPLAB IDE Ver. 8 and Proteus Design Suite.

Introduction to PIC18

PIC stands for Peripheral Interface Controller. PIC18 is a series of 8-bit Microcontrollers made by Microchip. There are different families of PIC18 each having different features. The number of IOs, Data RAM, Flash Memory and Peripherals changes from device to device in a family. A family’s vast feature set provides flexibility to select a specific device for a certain applications depending upon the resources needed.
For the purposes of this tutorial I have selected PIC18F8722 family. This family has devices with 64 and 80 pins, and also with different resources. we will be using PIC18F8722 from this family for this series of tutorials. For more details refer to the datasheet.

Getting Started

When you install MPLAB IDE Ver. 8 it will install the C18 Compiler as well which will convert our source code written in C to Machine code. In case you haven’t used MPLAB before refer to the MPLAB Getting Started manual to get a basic idea on how to create and compile a new project.
Microchip has extensive documentations available for their products, which includes Application Notes, Reference Design manuals and many other which can be found on the Microchip Website.

C Code for our LED Blinking Project

After you have created your new MPLAB Project create a new .c file copy the following Code into it and add the file into the project. To compile the Project Click Build All from the Toolbar or find Build All in the Project drop down menu.
   1: /* 

   2:    ###############################################################################

   3:    **** PIC18 LED Blinky

   4:    **** IDE      : MPLAB Ver 8.91

   5:    **** Compiler : Microchip C18 Ver 3.43

   6:    ###############################################################################

   7: */


   9: // Includes

  10: #include <p18cxxx.h>

  11: #include <delays.h>


  13: // Configurations

  14: #pragma config WDT = OFF                // Watchdog Timer Disabled

  15: #pragma config OSC = HS                // OSC Mode - High Speed Crystal/Resonator

  16: #pragma config XINST = OFF            // Extended Instructions Disabled


  18: // LEDs

  19: #define LED1 LATDbits.LATD0

  20: #define LED2 LATCbits.LATC0


  22: // main

  23: void main(void)

  24: {   

  25:     // As the LED pin is also an analog input pin we have to declare it as

  26:     // digital by writing the port configuration control bits(PCFG<3:0>) in 

  27:     // ADCON1 Register - Refer to the datasheet for more details

  28:     ADCON1 = 0x00001111;   

  31:     // Set PORTD bit 0 as digital output, the LED is connected on this pin

  32:     TRISDbits.TRISD0 = 0;

  33:     TRISCbits.TRISC0 = 0;   // The second LED we want to flash is connected on 
                                  // PORTC pin 0

  34:                             // As this pin is not analog so we just need to 
                                  // set its direction

  35:     // infinite loop    

  36:     while(1)

  37:     {
  38:         Delay10KTCYx(10);         //wait

  39:         LED1 = 0;    // turn LED1 OFF

  40:         LED2 = 0;    // turn LED2 OFF

  41:         Delay10KTCYx(10);        //wait 

  42:         LED1 = 1;    // turn LED1 ON

  43:         LED2 = 1;    // turn LED2 ON

  44:     }

  45: }


Explaining the Code

Although the code is heavily commented, but I will explain some points to my best. The fist two lines

// Includes

#include <p18cxxx.h>

#include <delays.h>

includes the device specific header file and the delays.h is for the C18 built-in delay routines which will be used while flashing the LED. I used the built-in delay routine for the delay, but we can also use one of the PIC18 timers for the delay. We will be covering timers in another tutorial.

The other three lines are for the configuration settings of the device, their may be other configurations depending on the application. For our purposes these are enough. You can find the device specific configuration settings in the file “hlpPIC18ConfigSet.htm” in  the install directory of MPLAB. On Windows 7 64-bit it will be something like C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\MPLAB C18 Suite\v3.43\doc

In order to ease our life I have defined the LED pins as LED1 and LED2 in the next two lines.

Then we enter into the main loop. In the main loop we set the direction of the LED pins as digital outputs. I have used one analog and one digital pin to demonstrate the use of an analog pin as digital IO.

The other important line of code is the Delay10KTCYx(10) this function is used for the delay between LED on and LED off cycles. This generates delay in multiple of 10,000 instruction cycles. One Instruction cycle is equal to 1/FOSC/4 and Clock cycle is equal to 1/FOSC, Where FOSC is our Clock Frequency. Help files for these library function can also be found in the above mentioned doc folder.

Now that we have compiled our code and our HEX file is ready to be burned the PIC18. We will simulate the code in Proteus.


I have created a simple circuit in Proteus which contains PIC18F8722 with minimum connections. As shown below


For the purpose of simulations Proteus doesn’t need the power and the Clock circuits I have included this if we want to build a real PCB for this project.

After adding the HEX file to PIC18 Click the Play Button to run the Simulation.

GIF animation depicting LED Simulation in Proteus

This Concludes our LED blinking Tutorial. We will be covering other features of PIC18 in the upcoming tutorials.
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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tutorial - Placing your company logo on PCB in Proteus ARES

Today we will talk about how to place logo or other graphics on PCB in Proteus ARES. After we design a PCB its important to place logo of your company on the PCB so that people know who made it. In ARES we can do some artwork using the built-in graphics tools like drawing a circle, line, arc, rectangles etc. but its not possible to make your company logo using these tools. So you have to place your company logo using import features in ARES. Let’s place a logo on a PCB to illustrate the process.
First of all you need to convert your company’s logo to monochromatic bmp format in order to import it to ARES. you can do the conversion either with Paint (a small photo editing program that comes with Windows) or any other online or offline tool you can find. I have converted the logo to monochromatic bmp using Paint in Windows using the following procedure…
  • Open the logo image with Paint
  • From the Save As choose the Save as type “Monochromatic Bitmap” from the drop down menu and Click Save.
Now that you have the .bmp Image of your logo. Open the PCB in Proteus ARES do the following steps to place the image on
  • From the File menu select Import Bitmap
  • Navigate to the .bmp image you have saved and import it
  • The image will be attached with the mouse place it wherever you want and resize if required.
That’s it you can import any image you want to place on the PCB but first you have to convert it to Monochromatic Bitmap format.
After placing and re-sizing the image the Board looks like as below


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